This is a very strong and powerful Magic Love Spell where the person you love will commit himself or herself to you. If the person you love does love you but he is not ready for commitment or marriage then yes this spell will not only help you with commitment but the person you love will also marry you. This spell will work on the sub conscious mind of your lover so that he or she will always love you and will always think of you and will be ready to live with you for ever.
If you feel that your lover or partner is not committed to you or your partner is not giving his or her 100 percent to your relation or marriage, then there will always be fights and quarrels in your relation, there will be no peace, happiness or trust in your relation.
Slowly your partner may be away from you and may leave you and this will mean the end of your relationship. But my commitment spell will change the mind and thoughts of your lover. Your lover will always think positive about you, no negative thoughts will come in his or her mind and this spell will never break the trust and respect in your love relation.