Sexual Spells Black magic is nothing but the process of forming a bond between the spell caster and the powerful dark energy of the universe. Sexual spells are one of the most harmless of dark magic and are generally cast by women owing to the fact that they have more effect on men than women. A sexual spell stimulates the inner feelings of an individual and causes sexual arousal. Although it is cast by conjuring dark magic, a long term bond of deep love and affection can follow a sexual spell. They have a number of advantages as compared to regular love or attraction spells owing to the fact that they work faster and yield quicker results and generally gives definitive results, unlike love spells. In the latter, it is often not appropriately established the victim’s exact feelings towards you while in sexual spells, the result can be easily validated. However, the disadvantage is that sexual spells are short-lived and wears often earlier than one realizes. By then if a proper emotional connect is not made, it can lead to betrayals, emotional distress and heartbreaks. Therefore, it is imperative to read and understand the negative consequences of casting a sexual spell and be prepared to face them before conjuring it. It is advisable to not cast sexual spells on individuals who are completely unknown to you, who are aggressive, homosexual, has strict ethical values or individuals who are in committed relationships or are married. Also, sexual spells should not be cast on impotent individuals. Such stances can weaken your capabilities of conjuring a magical spell in the future. Before you begin to cast a sexual spell, ensure that you are confident about your requirements, calm, composed and ready in both mind and psyche to perform dark magic. In order to cast a sexual spell, you will need some salt and a glass of water. Keep the glass near where you sleep at night and upon waking up, before you step on the floor, put a pinch of salt in the glass and say, ‘I have woken up this morning to leave my house and take not the usual road but an unknown destination. I walk along a narrow road towards a dark ravine in which a spirit resides. I awaken the spirit and ask it to wake up and head to ‘the name of the person’ and arouse passion within him. Align our bodies together as one. Make his body want mine. Make it impossible for him to live without my body. Every time he sees me he will want me. Let the spirit guide him to my soul and my body. Let him dissolve in me as salt dissolves in water. My word is this and my word is strong.’ After you have said this, take three consecutive sips of the water and spit over your left shoulder three times. Take another three sips of water and sprinkle some water on your clothes too. Practice this for three mornings consecutively and the effect will begin to take it’s a course from the fourth morning.
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